TOC Education Resources

Think...Organize...Create 開拓人生 集思廣益

TOC Education Resources (拓思教育資源中心) was founded by Dr. Christine TN Wong. TOC is dedicated to offer programs and services to promote cultural diversity, language development and lifelong learning. As the first project in TOC, TOC Chinese Program was established in 2002 with Cantonese and Mandarin classes for kids and teens. Based in Vancouver (Canada), TOC is now moving beyond geographical boundaries and engaging internationally through TOC Workshops .

TOC Workshops 拓思工作坊

There are two major series in TOC Workshops: [ CULTURAL flight] and [tour around LANGUAGEs]. TOC Workshops partners with passionate experts and experienced instructors to bring affordable and flexible self-enrichment opportunities to individuals. Through the online delivery model, TOC Workshops create new possibilities to unlock inner potentials for continual personal growth no matter where we are. Click here to the upcoming workshops...

TOC Chinese Program 拓思中文課程

Cantonese & Mandarin classes for kids & teens from 2002 to 2014